Monday, November 5, 2007

What a difference two weeks can make

I really thought I would not see a snowflake until ...well I don't know. I was dreaming it would say 5o and partially sunny for the rest of winter. Oh well we had a good run.
I have not blogged in a couple of weeks so I thought I would try adding a little animation this time. I hope this will suffice in making up for last week. What I am really thinking right know is I wish I could have a big bowl of soup or chili and a fire.
Work has been really crazy lately. I have 2 staff people out which makes my day longer and we have so many projects going on that I cannot keep up and lets not forget all the meetings people keep scheduling. Every time I attend one of them I come out with more work. I would like to send all the managers a memo asking them not to have meetings on Friday's, what a way to ruin the start of a good weekend!
I thought I was going to get a puppy and I was really excited about it but now that we have had a little taste of what is to come I may have to reconsider. I know I will not want to take my puppy out in the morning when it gets colder. I know it's wimpy of me but sometimes winter can make wimps of us all.

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