Monday, October 22, 2007


This is my baby Penelope, my kitty. I got her last November from the animal shelter. She was so scrawny and trembled all the time and now look her. She weighs 10 lbs now and has the run of the house. She does not like other people and runs when she sees them or hears loud noises like trucks. I usually put her on a leash outside because I don't want her getting too far away from the patio/yard. She loves rolling around in the dirt.

She is funny, she jumps in the shower once I get out. I don't know why. She likes to knock things off the counters... pens, barrettes, paper, rubber bands, and she chews my papers. I guess she just gets a kick out of it. She also follows me from room to room just to see what I'm up to. When she wants to wake me up she licks my eyelids. Gross but true.

She's always trying to get me to give her people food by placing her front paws on my leg and pleading and though I thinks she cute, she only gets cat food.
When I went on vacation in June I agonized on what to do with her. In the end a friend came and fed her. Someone suggested I get another kitty and then she would have someone to play but I'm not sure I can handle two. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jennifer DeJonghe said...

Awwww.... so cute! I have a shelter cat too. My cat jumps in the tub because he loves to drink running water out of the tub faucet - he hates drinking water out of a dish. Cats sure know how to train their owners, don't they!