Monday, November 26, 2007

After the Turkey

What a great Thanksgiving! I really did not have turkey but chicken. It was all very good and we had 3 days of leftover food and 3 days of leftover dessert, funny no wine was leftover... We did a little shopping and enjoyed the weather on Friday and Saturday.

I love this holiday because you get to be yourself, you don't have to think of something to give another person ( not that I don't like presents) it is just nice to be with family and friends with very little expectations.
When you start to expect a certain kind of behavior from people that is when things always go awry. Take last year for example; I have one sister who started drinking way before dinner and when she drinks she loves everybody so get ready for big wet kisses and she has loose lips so if there is something we want kept a secret we don't tell her, there is always one family member who brings someone that everyone dislikes ( you can imagine how that turns out), my sister-in-law is a terrible, terrible cook yet she always insist on bringing a dish which is always left over and she can't understand why not many people touched it, ( we know why!), and of course there is always a just can't be helped. But this year it was calm cool and relaxing sometimes less people is a good thing. Hope yours was the same.

Monday, November 5, 2007

What a difference two weeks can make

I really thought I would not see a snowflake until ...well I don't know. I was dreaming it would say 5o and partially sunny for the rest of winter. Oh well we had a good run.
I have not blogged in a couple of weeks so I thought I would try adding a little animation this time. I hope this will suffice in making up for last week. What I am really thinking right know is I wish I could have a big bowl of soup or chili and a fire.
Work has been really crazy lately. I have 2 staff people out which makes my day longer and we have so many projects going on that I cannot keep up and lets not forget all the meetings people keep scheduling. Every time I attend one of them I come out with more work. I would like to send all the managers a memo asking them not to have meetings on Friday's, what a way to ruin the start of a good weekend!
I thought I was going to get a puppy and I was really excited about it but now that we have had a little taste of what is to come I may have to reconsider. I know I will not want to take my puppy out in the morning when it gets colder. I know it's wimpy of me but sometimes winter can make wimps of us all.